Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Math Mania - Hours, Minutes And Seconds Before The Exam

Ah... Two months of eternal bliss. Yes, I will enjoy every moment of this summer. I relax on the sofa and pick up one of the ten story books I had gotten from the library. I look at the summary on the back, "A man walks into a house and sees a man lying dead, and a woman, holding a pistol in her bloody hand........" I cant swallow it. I'm actually so free. This is unbelievable. No school, no history periods, no stupid little exa- ...."
Huh what? what? Something is shaking, vibrating.
I snatch the cell phone from under the pillow. It is 5.00 a.m. The alarm was muffled by the pillow. Realization strikes, the high spirits come plummeting down as I remember - Today is math exam. And not just math exam. Math Board Exam. Class 10. One of the life deciding  things, they say. I say its just another day where you should sit at one place for three hours. 

The blog is now polluted. :P
The happiness, bliss, and 'Geth' feelings turn into misery, groaning, nervousness and so on. :P What an awful time to get a dream. Now I'll think of only murder mysteries. :|
I trudge out of bed, still very much groaning. After brushing I take out the textbook and stare at the fresh, still smelling new, pages of the book. Sorry, dear text book, I don't feel one bit sad that this is the last two hours I'll be seeing you. 
Oh wait. No, I'll see you again........ When you have to be thrown out to be recycled. }:-)

 Some kid on the book cover said, "The probability of me passing is 0.4!" Is this book trying to say, "That's what happens when you read me"? NCERT doesn't know how to advertise. Not that it would manage to sell a single copy even if it did know. :P What in the world am I doing? I should be studying. Well, you usually wouldn't 'Study' math. But I am in no mood to work out anything. :|

And so, I open the book. There. Task One completed successfully. Yes, I mean, opening the book. You saw how much time that took! :P
The next one hour, of course, was the most horrid period of the day. Looking through every single problem in the text book definitely isn't what you would 'pleasant'. I can't take any more of this and I close the book. I just sit there for I don't know,  around 15 minutes, thinking random random non-mathematical things. 

After ending the maths note once and for all with a circle and a triangle with arcs, I end Task Two. Studying. I feel.. dizzy. But that's that. No more x squares and frustums.....! For now atleast. :P 

Task Three. Preparing the tools for job. Assassinating the maths paper. My pencil box still has a random 2010 Sanskrit class-test paper, two dry pens, one mokkai pencil, and of course around five dozen threads (Yes, I'm crazy. I collect threads. :P ) After carefully transferring the threads to 'The Thread Box', which had around five hundred of them, I dig through the cupboard, looking for pencils and pens and compasses and protractors. After ten minutes of 'demolishing-neatly-arranged-cupboard-to-get-things' I get what I required. Pencils, scales, rubbers, pens, protractors, compasses, Gameboys......
Yes, a cup of coffee always helps.
Now for a little tampering and bittu vechufying, I take out a scale, and with the compass, make tiny little holes on the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 centimetre marks. So now, when the question would require the compass to be having any of those measurements, the sharp thing would neatly go in without  slipping. Bwahaha. :P

I feel the need to feel a little more 'up'. So the obvious instant solution is - I go switch on the computer. Fb-ing, Music-ing, commenting, Buzzing and all that and the moment I switch it off, I finally start feeling nervous. 

"OMG. Math Exam!!! Aaah!" and all that. Around half an hour later I give the book a flick one final time. After the final "Best of luck"s from everyone, (Hmpf. they just make me more nervous) I take out my cycle and start heading to school, for the first time, in a month.

Cars passing by. Getting the right hand fractured could probably be the BEST worst thing to happen now. I'm alive when I reach school..........

The nervousness has officially kicked in big time. I walk towards the crowd of people, half of them having math notebooks, other half discussing the world cup. Just what I wanted to know -"India should've brought in Harbhajan for the last over" :P

We still don't know our rooms. What the heck people? Exam is in fifteen minutes! Oh well. :P As long as everyone is here. :P Finally, the peon (sure it isn't pronounced, "PEE ON"?? ) came and stuck two sheets of papers. I think of the sheet that is stuck on the compartment of a train. Well, it did match. Everyone trying to stick their heads to see if they existed in the sheet and trying to figure out the rooms.

All of us climb the tiring three floors and get to our rooms. Ah. Awesome! I'm near Deepak and Aravindh Babu is in front. Atleast the exam won't be entirely boring.  I take out my things, keep it on the bench and walk out with the bag and chat with random people. My hands become ice-cold. The nervousness. The numbness. The fear...... Fitting, how, when I think of 'fear', Girija ma'am should come into our room as invigilator. I get a hold. This is no time to be nervous. Time for some ruthless problem cracking. I walk in, holding my breath..........


  1. You're following the blog rules perfectly.Well done.
    Coffee FTW!

  2. Eeeeps!
    And I was eye witness for most part of thiiiis!
    I feel all star struck. Uff.

    How's MIL coming along? :P
