Friday, February 4, 2011

The Way To Devilish Death

Yercaud. Right now, I'm not going to talk about the freaking out and fun and what happened there. I'm guessing other bloggers would do that. This is something more specific in Yercaud. Ghosts.

Date: 02.02.2011
Time: 10 p.m
Event: The Haunted Arena

The date itself looks kind of weird right? 

It is dark. It is silent. It is right after dinner. A person has been psyched by pranksters. It should have been left at that, but the paranoia is spreading. The Ghost paranoia is spreading. I walk out of the dinner hall. I hear a certain story. Something that involved, ' Saying "Bloody Mary" thrice would kill you'. I laugh. I ask, "Bloody Mary??" kind of loudly. A person standing there immediately starts shivering and closes his ears. "STOP SAYING THAT", he screams at me. What is wrong with you people?? I ask myself. Ghosts. I answer myself and laugh. I have no idea how badly psyched people are.

I walk to the start of the steps leading to the hotel rooms. A certain friend asks with a strange pitch in his voice, "Do you have a torch? I mean in your cell phone?". I say, "No. Why? Lost something?". He says, "No, its too dark. I cant see the steps" I look up. I can see the steps perfectly well. It is very dark of course, but there is enough light to climb the steps. I understand why he still asks though. Ghosts. My dabba cell phone has no such thing like a torch. I shake my head and climb up the steps. He and two others follow me, too closely and we part at a point where I go to my room and I don't know what happened to them. Ghosts

I knock. S.Sri opens the door. He has a twisted smile on his face. I am the last to arrive in the room. It was then I knew that there was going to be drama in the hotel room. My roommates: Kaka, Praj, S.Sri, KK, Vraj, Nith and Sga. (Not disclosing full names for the sake of their 'Vekkam, Maanam, Soodu and Soranai'. Pity you know my full name, but I guess I have very little of  anything I mentioned)

I throw myself on the bed and find that there are already three people there. I sit up. The situation as I see it: S.Sri, sitting on a place beside the television with the same twisted smile, KK with his eyes closed like a dead man, Sga and Nith under blankets, literally shivering. 

"Don't tell me its Bloody Mary again?" I groan. Nith and Sga gulp and shiver more. Ghosts S.Sri says, "You say it then, thrice." I say it, so very easily, thrice. Sga and Nithin scream. S.Sri claps and declares dramatically without a preamble, "You're going to Die". Ghosts.

"Alright. if you say so" I shrugged and go off downstairs. I sigh with relief as I see Kaka and Vraj playing cricket. Some liveliness.  Then I notice Kaka sweating profusely and Vraj having a strange, blank look on his face. Ghosts. I don't ask Vraj anything. He's usually like that. But Kaka? "Huh? Why're you sweating?" I ask. He shakes his head and replies, "Not sweat. Vicks. I have cold". "Oh!!" I sighed again. Atleast somebody was sane.

I enter the bathroom to wash. It is dark. I see myself in the mirror. My lips are blood red. Ghosts. My thoughts waver. I think of S.Sri's declaration of my death. I return to sanity and violently shake my head. Climate Change, I tell myself. I still have an inkling of fear. Ghosts. 

But now, I have a feeling this is going to be one heck of a night. Terrorizing time. =) I move upstairs, slowly. I make the eerie sound of ghost. Ooooo. Normally, people would simply stare and say, "What are you trying to do?" Tonight is different. Today is GHOST DAY. Nith majorly freaks and screams, "Stop. Stop. Stop" This is fun. :) Sga goes on to clutch KK who was half asleep and blissfully unaware of what was happening. S.Sri walks down to fetch something. I am left with a half asleep person and two terrified people. What Joy :) I begin to switch off the lights one by one. Screams. There is one light remaining and I can't find its switch. Damn It!
That doesn't mean I'll stop does it? "Bloo-dy Ma-ary" I sing. Screams. KK, now fully awake shouts, "Don't do that. They'll go psycho" Well, well, what do you know. Sane Person Number 2.  S.Sri returns and says, "Plans Change, Nith and Sga are too scared to sleep upstairs. So that means Vraj goes downstairs. So, I'm left alone upstairs which isn't an option. Which means you're coming upstairs to sleep and give me company." Oh what the hell? I have to take my luggage and everything else upstairs and sleep? Laziness overcomes anything else any day. "Scared?" , S.Sri asks with a twisted smile. "Nope" I reply. He then takes out his mobile and plays The Undertaker Theme.

Wow Wow. Wait a minute. S.Sri has been terrorizing people all this while? Brilliant. :) I watch his eyes become slits as his eyeballs move out of sight. Screams, screams and more screams and swearing of course. I continue to terrorize with more ghost actions. This can't be happening. This is so Childish. Kaka and Vraj and Prajish come upstairs. Vraj and Prajish a little scared, but sane nonetheless. 

After some more music and video and action haunting, Sga goes on to hug the sleeping KK in fear. KK, springs up and says with a completely uncharacteristic, demonic look, " We have to wake up early you *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* "
Stunned Silence. Everyone stares as KK goes back to sleep. I whisper with a mysterious voice, "KK has been possessed". And then dramatically, the sleeping KK's middle finger springs up from the darkness. Ghosts.

S.Sri is flat on the same bed. So why should I go upstairs then? Praj evenly declares that we should go sleep. People nod. Even the insane ones. Disappointed, I move downstairs. The fun is over. Sleep is waiting. The four of us lie in bed. It is dark. Pitch Dark. Someone gets an idea of screaming away to glory to freak out people. "On the count of three. One. Two. Three. AAAAAAAHHHH" we scream and then uncontrollably laugh. Few minutes later. A dark figure is stealthily climbing down. The lights go on from both sides. Kaka and Praj have switched them on. S.Sri, caught in the act of trying to terrify us ran back up, bulbed. 
After another uncontrollable fit of laughter I finally close my eyes. Darkness has come.
Death? Nah. Sleep. :P

I hereby declare 02.02 as Ghost Day. 

It's midnight. I'm alone. It's dark. No harm in trying.
"Bloody Mary" "Bloody Mary" "Bloody Mary"
I fall dead. As I fall, my head strikes the mouse button,and the pointer which was placed on "Publish Post" gets pressed.


  1. cha! wish i was there in the room at that time... :)..... :D but of course... we wre having in our room.... playing "uno".... lakki lost twice.... in a row... ! :)

  2. The best post of ur blog!!! I loved that 'AAAAAAAAAAAA' part and that 'S.Sri bulbed' part. The best time of our trip!!!! Bloody Mary!!!!

  3. This sounds a lot like this play we have to read for english.
    Bunch of village girls get the entire village psycho. Hysteria spreads and eventually the "court" declares pretty much EVERYONE (but the villans) hanged.

    btw. 2/2 is groundhog day. :P

    Also: AWESOME post. :)

  4. was this true?

    n brat, i second u :D

  5. (with awful sarcasm) everything except the ending was false. :|

  6. Arjun,
    I may never have admitted this
    Child. I AM PROUD OF YOU.

    All hail mighty Arjun. He will save us from Blaaaady Mary.

  7. *facepalm* who the heck is she anyway? :P bloody mary :P

  8. more or less Analogous to "Mohini" paei stuff - this is the western story :D

    End Result : Every part of the world has some story to frighten the children to sleep in the night :P
