Friday, June 10, 2011

Money Minded Maniacs II - The Doctors

My next part of the post. This time I'm going to grill the doctors like I promised. Lets start the show.


Getting to the firing straightaway. How do you identify a doctor?
People would say, "Stethoscope hanging over neck."
Other people of our cheek would say, "Oh. The guy with unbearable handwriting"

To put it in a sentence, a doctor is someone who smiles too much, has the power of making you believe that "Everything-will-be-alright" and has half all of your wallet money before you notice it. Its not really as bad as it sounds. Its worse. Who knew your kidney's valve was more costly than a Maruthi Alto?

Lets take the small-scale situation first. (I like doing the One-Fine-Day situation thing, especially when you know for sure its not going to be one fine day at all) So here we go, 

One fine day (:P) you happen to go to your favourite restaurant and have a bite at the coconut chutney which was on the verge of getting spoilt. Food Poisoning! Your body heat shoots up and you land in bed, groaning. You are loaded with Crocins and your body refuses to calm down. So finally, you decide to get rid the fever and the money as well as quickly as possible. 

Enter doctor. He will do three things. Ask you to take deep breaths and put his stethoscope to use, make you roll your eyes and flash a torch, and look at your outstretched tongue. Then, he takes out a paper, scribbles something which only medicine shop guys can identify and ask you to have a good day after robbing you of 200 Rupees. You cant do anything about it (except vomit on his table for self pleasure maybe? )

For wasting a certain amount of battery in his torch, removing some negligible ink from his pen and getting rid of one of his sheets of paper, you lose 200.   What would happen if you actually make them do something? *Shudders* People are ready to pay anything for getting their bodies working properly. And, they think doctors can fix everything.

Well, the more sad thing is, it isn't even the doctor's fault. Suppose, he charges 10 Rs for a check up. (That's a little too hard to believe)
Point #1: His roof would be brought down by thousands of patients who rush here once they learn of the price.
Point #2: The doctor has to be a complete fool if has to treat 20 patients to get 200 when he could have got the same money with one, especially when people are ready to pay.
Point #3: For a new doctor, when he sees that every other hospital is charging that much for a check up, he cant possibly reduce it very much even if he feels that the money is outrageous, its bad for business. Unless of course, he happens to be a noble life-loving idiot. (Such people don't exist anymore. They went right after dodos did)

Lets just say I like firing at these people and I'm partly jealous at how easily they earn big bucks. (Not taking their previous hard work into consideration)

The only difference between the mechanics' case and this case is that, there you can chuck the machine which doesn't work out of your second floor window. Here if you do that, its called "homicide".

Large Scale Business:
A ninety year old lady has a severe problem in her kidneys and her condition is worsening. Her sixty year old son is in a dilemma. He knows she's going to die anytime now, so why not let nature kill her peacefully? But no, there is a hospital across the street which says it can cure kidney problems. He has two choices: To let her die peacefully now without doing anything or to take her to the hospital and buy her more time to live, say a month, that's being optimistic and torture her with hospital equipment till then.

Its a simple choice if you look at it here. "Let nature take her", is easily the best option. She dies in peace plus you save money. But its complicated. Say he does that, and his mother dies, he'll be with the permanent guilt that he could have saved her but he didn't and also, other people blame him for her death. Something like, "You abandoned her!", which is painful to hear.

Even his conscience would tell him to go to the hospital, in that tiny hope of saving his mother despite the fact that, logically, its better off leaving her as it is. So she finally, inevitably ends up in the ICU to be operated. One night for the patient at a hospital costs about as much as the most expensive hotel suites and doesn't have five percent of its luxury. Days pass.

They'll make her survive a few more days. Then, after the most expensive week of a lifetime, the doctor will come out with a well-rehearsed expression of deep sympathizing sadness and tell him she just passed away. With the reason being, "Excessive fluids, Cardiac Arrest" etc, etc.

The result of it all, she's dead anyway, plus he's lost a few lakhs of money and your family members are actually glad that she didn't stay for too long because then, the expense would rapidly multiply. Okay, the equipments for operation are costly, agreed. But definitely not that much?! Serious looting. What's the rate today? Around 60K per day. I mean, what the hell? And its just because humans cant let nature take the old ones away in peace.

"Who cares about how much it costs? I want to live"
I'm not saying that isn't the right attitude. That should be the attitude. But, hospitals exploit that statement a little too much. In the end, you end up dying anyway.

Having a general doctor and a mechanic in the family would really help cut down the expenses, for smaller scale situations at least. 

Everyone is a money minded maniac. No doubts. No questions asked. I just felt like firing at these two categories. You cant blame me. Goodbye for now.....


  1. Hah. The number of Labels.... :P
    And the post was really Witty! :)

  2. Thanks :)
    And, they're better than your "afternoon" label for the Skull Pic.. :P :P

  3. Wow. Didn't know you had this much against Future-Balaji O.o. jk.

    True, but diagnosis is a totally cool thing.!

    Watch House.

    and, this is only in INDIA. In other countries (like US), medical insurance is a near-complete refund.

  4. Poda :P I'm done....... for now :P
    And I definitely cant imagine Balaji ending up as a doctor =P

  5. :D What does your inner "Foresight" tell?

    (Pokemon. Long Time.)
