Friday, January 28, 2011

The Story of A Cell Phone - II.......... AGAIN?

If you haven't read Part 1, go read now. CLICK HERE

Time: 7 p.m
Place: Sardar Patel Road
Event: Revisiting Disaster (?)

"Get two packets of Thaayar Dosa Maavu". I feel a chill down my spine as the events of that fateful day unfolded in my mind as I heard the words. I jerk out of it and came to my senses. I look at the time. Seven. The exact same time as then. And the chill in me increased even more when I feel I have the urge to get some library books. The tiny bit of my mind which spoke sense is the only thing that keeps me sane. I am handed a thousand rupee note to get the change. I stare at it in terror. I cannot be trusted. I could lose it the moment it touches my hand. Yet, I keep it inside my purse. The little part of my mind called sense was driving me, maddening the paranoid part.  I choose to wear a pants with the deepest and strongest pockets. I wouldn't do mistakes again. Or so I thought. I am asked to take my cellphone. Another spare one, which I haven't lost...... yet. I foresee disaster

 I put that and the purse deep inside the pockets and place my hands on them. I Will Not Lose It Again. I move out. I walk towards the main road thinking of nothing but my cell phone. A little child, no more than three, stared so very omen-ishly at me. My paranoid self freaked. Half of me wants to go back. But half of me wants to go on for the want of novels and for the simple fact that I will be thrown out of the house if I go back and tell my parents the reason I hadn't gotten it. I move on. I see the traffic signal timer counting down - 10....9..... 8..... My ultimate impatience momentarily destroys the paranoid part in me as I begin to run. The idea of waiting for hundred whole seconds if I miss this signal provoked the lazy and impatient self to take over. I run across the road. As I come to a halt on the other side of the road,  I feel the paranoid part extinguishing every other self I had in milliseconds. I am too terrified even to check my pocket for the cell phone. But when I do so, the electric surge of relief I experience as I feel the plastic and the metal is ultimate and inexplicable. My old paranoia returns. I could still lose the cell phone. I look up a the skies. It is overcast. The events happening are shockingly similar.

For the sake of containing my paranoia I decide to change the order of events. I decide to get the Maavu first and the books next. (I know :P How brainy :P ) As I walk towards the store, I see the same people I saw. The very same shopkeepers. Paranoia. Paranoia. I barely hear my sane self screaming:- Oh What The Hell? All the shopkeepers should have changed now then? Just Get On With It.!  Yet, I remain paranoid. I see everyone with suspicion. I enter the store. I get the maavu and leave. So far so good. I could still lose the cell phone. 
I enter the library. And, there, totally unexpectedly, stood a teacher bending over the Agatha Christie section. My paranoia wears out just a bit to allow this question in mind - "This person can read books?!". It so happens that the books I want are near where she is. And I have absolutely no intention of running into that person. I scurry into another corner and wait. The library guy stares at me suspiciously. :| Don't worry old guy, I have no intention of stealing your precious Sidney Sheldon. The teacher leaves. I get my books and leave. Thankfully, now,   things have speeded up a bit and the paranoia is wearing out as I check my pocket for the cell phone and its still there. I reach home. Before I do anything I take out the cell phone and the money and put them safely in the cupboard. I relax. Wait. Its Over? I actually made it? Woohooo. I still have my dabba cell phone.

Few seconds later, I find myself being blasted for buying a Rava Dosa Maavu instead of plain Maavu. :|

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Tennis Titans

The destruction of Rafael Nadal in the hands of fellow countryman David Ferrer. Quite the match. I don't care if Nadal was injured or not. He lost. That's the point. (Yes. I'm a Nadal Hater) So, all the hypes about the Rafa Slam goes down the drain. Yes! :) And now, Federer has a good chance of winning his 17th. He probably won't though. Idiot he is. :P

The Titans: 

Rafael Nadal

The current World Number One. And how much ever I hate him, he deserves to be number one. One of the world's most stable players. His game is really simple. No variety at all. But, it is, nonetheless, very effective. This Spaniard is  a baseline player. He rallies and rallies and rallies and its not just 'keeping the ball in' kind of rally, he whacks them with heavy topspin to the corners without erring. Two ways he wins: One, he keeps rallying and after a point of time the other guy gets frustrated and finds the net. Two, he makes them stretch, and stretch so much that after a point of time they are bound to give him a nice and easy lollipop-ping short ball which he bazookas down the court.  

He's only 24?? What the heck? He started playing grands when he was schooling?! :-| People call him a gentleman. :| I think he's a Frikkin Loser  guy with some attitude. Great going David Ferrer for not falling for his innocent silent pleas to let him win. Don't forget to lose the next round though. Your job is done. You are no longer required. :P One good thing about Nadal is that you can rely on him to destroy other pitiable people you hate without worrying about Nadal losing.

Roger Federer

 The guy with great poise and elegance in his game. Former world number one, current world number two. I randomly started supporting him for one match when I didn't know what tennis was. And now I've ended up supporting him in every match he plays. :P Opposite to Nadal, his game is very unstable. He cant rally much, but he has variety. Amazing variety. One of the world's best drop shots which backspins after pitching. Great Serve. Great Volleying. Poor Baseline Rallying. Poor 'Keeping the ball inside' record. One thing, he doesn't get frustrated about these one millimeter misses. Either he hits it in, or he hits it to the chair umpire or the crowd. :P 16 Majors. Now, that is something. He's losing his game though and he's getting old. :P 29. Pete Sampras retired at 31. :P Anyway, he's an all Nike guy. He has this crappy handsome dress sense. Something like, yellow head band, yellow T-shirt, yellow wrist band, yellow shoes. Trying to impress his wife too much. get the eye of the crowd. :P

 Novak Djokovic Before I proceed on this guy. Watch: Djokovic Imitation

A funny player. Not so funny when it gets to playing. He's world number three. He has a good, overall game and one of the rare tennis guys with a proper haircut.:P Can be very intimidating at times with his huge shots. He never seems to get to the top two, or win any grand except for one.
(Poof. He knocked out Federer and went on to be champ in 2008 Aussie open. No rehappenings please. :P )

Andy Murray

World Number 5. Skipping 4 :P I hate him. :P More than Nadal. He's good at tennis though (duh). Awesome, all round game. He would be number one if he moved little faster and put in more efforts. :P Haha. I cant stop thinking about that time when this guy beat some puny guy and showed off his muscles and then the next match got thrashed by Nadal. :) 

That's all for now. Guess what? I'm both Nadal and Federer's height. =) Only, about thirty kilos lesser than both. :P That's a big dip in the BMI. But never mind. :|

Now, spare a thought for the Chair Umpire. I would so love to be one. You get to witness all the cool tennis matches and you get PAID for it. $$$ :) But, you would rather play tennis and get money that go through all the crap you need to, to become an umpire. :P Hah. But you would still have the awesome power of contradicting and arguing with world number ones and twos. :P

Incidentally, there is  this pretty fun game "Tennis Titans".Try it :)
Well. That's where I got the name from anyway. :P
Signing off.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Basket Brawl

"My favourite time in school is before school starts and after school ends"
This is solely the reason why. Basketball. And me liking to play this at school is definitely not because I like the game.

Why Play Then?

1. The jolly atmosphere. No one takes it that seriously. If they did, I wouldn't be allowed to play. :P It isn't total chaotic fun either. People are just serious enough to not make it look like American Football.
2. This person called Suddhu. His game. Its amazing yeah, but that's not what I'm talking about. His unmatched sarcasm and humour in the middle of a dead serious game. People need that every once in a while.
3. This certain person called AB. A very technical player. Keeps the seriousness in the game. Saying all that, he isn't an amazing player as such. Better than me surely, but then I cant be used for comparison. Despite his game, people still obey him. Duh, Of course they listen to him. Its HIS ball. :P
4. Well, I like to tease people with my height. Hah! People may be better than me at basketball, but I still get the rebound. What happens after that is not accountable. :P

The Risks?
This is a perfectly safe game if you don't mind your spectacles occasionally getting cracked. There are certain people who have taken an over dosage of steroids. They are made of sheer rock. With my luck, I get to defend these people always. And, since these people are unfortunately tall as well, they ram into me every now and then to get the rebound.

My Work: Running around rebound area. Lifting arms trying to block Mr. Roadrolling dribbler. Getting bashed. Running Around. Jumping high. Getting ball if lucky. Passing without second thought (oh wait. i can also dribble right?). Getting passed to. Shooting. Missing. Jumping and getting ball. Shooting. Missing again. Trying to hyperactively steal from the person who catches the ball. Failing. Panting. Sees someone score. Subs out. Drinks water. It goes like that......... :P

How People Do It: Dribble. Dribble. Dribble. Perfection lay up in. Dribble Dribble Dribble. Pass. Pass. Dribble. Pass. Shoot. In. Dribble. Dribble. Lay up. Miss. Foul. Pass. Pass Pass. In. Dribble. Pass out. Shoot. Perfection Three Pointer. Claps.

The KV Factor: I'm taller than him. Yet, he manages to get Every Single rebound. Hmph :P He dribbles well. He Blocks. He shoots. I manage to be in the team he isn't in always. :| If you think I'm majorly flattering. Lets go for facts. KV Sub. Score Reads: 0:14. KV's side 0. KV in. Ten minutes later. Score Reads: 17:14.
That's how it is.

The other giants: There's Suddhu who dribbles from the line at the centre (I don't know what that is called :P ) to right below the basket and tosses the ball high and it does back-flips and reaches the basket. And the place under the basket is filled with lots of tall, tall people (Bows) If it doesn't manage to reach the basket, its self explanatory that he has been fouled. He can also fail miserably while laying up or while passing. Well, by fail miserably I mean, when the ball annoyingly circles the basket hoop twice and falls down. Now, you're all going to throw tomatoes at me cuz mine hardly touch the loop. :| Nevertheless, getting to the others. There is Subbu, again, a Suddhu duplicate, with little lesser lay-uping skills and more coolness on the field. There is Arjun Ram, who can get it in from anywhere in the field. (This is NOT me. This is NOT me) I could go on till this thing says something like "Word Limit Exceeded" if it has any.

11th graders. No offense to people who may read. 10th graders (NOT me. NOT me) play much better than you guys. Again, I'm talking about the guys who I play with, so I might not know about any hidden talents out there. These big boys get very easily tensed. :| Well, not everyone can be as calm and cool as the 10th. :P
Whatever it may be, I still will continue to play basketball however badly I do till someone personally chucks me out.

Some Daily Basketball Conversations:-

*Five People Collide. Subbu's tooth is bleeding. My head is smashed and I'm on the ground and people continue to play*

Subbu: Poda! You smashed into my teeth!

Me: No! You came and bit my head. :P

AB: People! You have too many on the field. De-recognize some of your players.
Suddu: Hey. Don't use technical terms like 'De-recognize'. You simple terms like 'Chuck. Them. Out'

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011! A New Decade. There HAS to be a blogpost about this

This has been the most unemotional new year day. No Treat. No Firecrackers. No cake. No fun.  Hey wait, I did have pineapple cake yesterday. Bah. I still choose to remain grumpy. Well, its probably because I dozed off early yesterday night and didn't see the countdown and the firecrackers they show on TV. NOTHING has changed. Except the calender in the front room. :| I guess I'll have to force myself to believe that this is another normal day, like I did for every other special day.

One part of me says, "Oh my God, Its 2011 already?? No. No. No. I'm getting older! No... Stop...."
Another Part in me says, "Ah, one more year for the world to die......No more doing homework!"
Yet another me says, "2011? So what? Who cares? I don't get a new mobile phone anyway"
There are many more but  I can see that you are all asleep after reading just this I'll pass. :P

Wait. What? Resolutions? Me? Hah! I'm too grown up for making any. :) Uh, no.... Rephrasing...
I'm too grown up to keep any. :P

People, don't forget to look at your watches on 11.11.11 at 11.11 am. 11 seconds...... You'll get good luck for eleven years (makes a good forwarding mail)  If you don't, you wouldn't have wasted a second by looking at your watch.

2010. How could they abandon you like that? You were around only for one year.. Hmpf.... Looking back. I liked last year better than this year. Rephrasing again.:P I liked yesterday better than today :P

2010 was an year where all the special days were plain and boring and all the other days were filled with excitement. I don't mind if 2011 follows suit. :)

For Formalities... :P
Happy New Year to you people out there........ :)