Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Twisted Piece of Machinery

What you see here is something complicated and destroyed. No, its not as bad as I want you to think. You probably think its all right anyway. Okay! Enough with the muddled sentences. Getting to the matter at hand. Lets see.... This thing has its left brake half severed, bell's ringing thing broken, lock stuck up, key bent, chain rusted and loose, and non-air-retaining tyres. Getting to the in-detail explanation of every one of these
:P :P :P

The Left Brake: Well, no worries; this still works. Only little problem is it has a mind of its own and seems to auto brake at the worst possible times. Middle of a signal, when a bus is behind you, when an Innova would crash into you if you don't move ,  well, you get the idea. Murphy's law works here too. :P

Come on! The circular thing with
spikes is fascinating :P
The Bell: This thing already had a tendency to slip upside down because of two loose nut thingeys. Me trying to bring back the thing to normal state and ring it before I run into an ignorant dog in the street has resulted in scraping the black thing off the handlebar. Now, it has saved me that pain. The round bell top thing fell off one fine day and rolled conveniently to the path of a van. I, pitying the thing, retrieved it before it got crushed. Now, it is sitting safely in my cupboard. Now I get to show off my rusted inside machinery of the bell.

This is after I managed to
 bring it to proper position. :P

The Lock and KeyMurphy's law again. The lock decides on its own to get stuck up and not open when I am late to school. It takes few minutes of squiggling and twisting and turning to get the thing to open. Hence, the straightness of the key. :P

The Chain: Nothing much here. Only that this thing comes out of its loop at least twice a trip. The pain of getting down plugging the thing on again and rotating till it gets fixed, I'd rather walk home leaving the cycle to rot, but nah, the cycle has some interesting memories. (Does crashing into a Scorpio come under 'interesting'?)

Non-Air-Retaining Tyres: This is more of an exaggeration really. I have to pump air into this like every three days. And then my pump broke. Don't ask me how. So now I have to waste two rupees a week to go to that cycle shop and get it aerated. I don't mind the two rupees. I very much mind walking the cycle all the way to the shop, even if the shop is only a street away. P.S. I'm lazy. You all knew that anyway. :P

I'm done for now. If I manage to do some more damage, I'll take the pain of typing it for you. Till then, Bye!

Cycle Quotes:
1. Mountain climbing is much less straining compared to cycling without air.
2. The cycle goes faster than any other vehicle, when it comes to going over speed breakers. 
3. The cycle could easily beat a Lamborghini Gallardo in a race, provided it is at Ranganathan Street, 9.30 am. (For those dim witted people who don't know. Go google it. :P )

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Do Things Like This When I Get Bored.

Chat with


to me
show details 9:13 AM (0 minutes ago)

8:59 AM me: hi
en2fr: Salut
me: this is mad
en2fr: -Ce n'est folle
me: i know right?
en2fr: je sais pas?
me: :P
en2fr: : P
9:00 AM me: dude you seriously cant copy a smiley properly? what kind of program are you?
en2fr: vous mec sérieux copie dévers un smiley correctement? quel type de programme êtes-vous?
me: wow wow wow. wait.... how did you type all that in a millisecond?
en2fr: wow wow wow. patienter .... comment avez-vous tout ce type en une milliseconde?
9:01 AM me: you don't HAVE to imitate me for whatever I say! :P
en2fr: vous n'avez pas de m'imiter pour ce que je dis! : P
me: Jerk!
en2fr: Jerk!
me: Ha! You don't the French word for that.... nananananaaaaaaaa
en2fr: Ha! Vous n'avez pas le mot français pour ça .... nananananaaaaaaaa
me: stares
en2fr: regarde * *
9:02 AM me: no no... you don't put the two stars after the word... you put them before and after.... this looks like swearing :P
en2fr: non non ... vous ne mettez pas les deux étoiles après le mot ... vous les mettez avant et après .... cela ressemble à jurer: P
me: brb.
en2fr: brb.
9:07 AM me: back....
en2fr: retour ....
9:08 AM me: you shouldn't say brb. you should say the abbreviation of the french words for 'be right back' ...
en2fr: vous ne devriez pas dire brb. vous devriez dire l'abréviation des mots français pour "be right back" ...
me: oh great you decide to tell me everything in french except 'be right back'
en2fr: Oh, génial vous décidez de me dire tout en français, sauf "be right back"
en2fr: Dude. QU'EST-CE QUE Be Right Back EN FRANÇAIS!
9:09 AM me: I hate you :P
en2fr: Je vous hais: P
me: lets do this again slowly.........
en2fr: permet de faire à nouveau lentement .........
me: be
en2fr: être
me: (AH YES !!!!!!!!!! )
en2fr: (AH OUI !!!!!!!!!!)
me: (shuttup)
en2fr: (Shuttup)
9:10 AM me: back
en2fr: retour
me: Now we're talking. so that abbreviates to
edr..... so you musn't say brb... you must say 'edr' gotit?
en2fr: Maintenant nous parlons. de sorte que abrège à
EDR ..... de sorte que vous ne faut pas dire brb ... vous devez dire gotit «EDR»?
9:11 AM me: I take that to be a 'yes' :P :P :P
en2fr: Je prends cela comme un «oui»: P: P: P
9:12 AM me: so. how is life?
en2fr: alors. comment est la vie?
me: :P never mind.. its called making conversation.
en2fr: : P pis .. sa conversation faisant appelé.
9:13 AM me: ( PIS???? APPLE??? )
oh well.... i think i need to go
en2fr: (PIS???? APPLE???)
eh bien .... Je pense que j'ai besoin d'aller
me: Copycat :P
en2fr: Copycat: P
me: (ha. you didn't do that smiley properly }:-) )
en2fr: (En hectares vous n'avez pas fait correctement que smiley :-)})
9:14 AM me: I have work. I seriously need to go.
en2fr: J'ai du travail. J'ai sérieusement besoin d'aller.
me: I see that you understand :P
Have a good day then
en2fr: Je vois que vous comprenez: P
Passez une bonne journée, puis
me: Bye!
en2fr: Bye!
me: (hey why do you english-ify all the words i want to know in french)
en2fr: (Hey pourquoi avez-vous Anglais-ifier tous les mots i veulent savoir en français)
9:15 AM me: (i hate you)
en2fr: (I Hate You)
me: again.
en2fr: à nouveau.
me: bye
en2fr: au revoir
me: Ah :)
au revoir....
en2fr: Ah:)
au revoir ....
me: BYE!
en2fr: BYE!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friends - How It Feels Like To Have One or Lose One.

I seem to be rapidly losing and gaining friends. This class has been the most upsetting of the lot. The loss of a best friend does get to you. And this is stage unfortunately set for us to become studious. I seem to be getting more away from that. Good for me present. Bad for me future. Or so people say. Getting upset about losing a friend over a huge quarrel is one thing. But, drifting apart because of no contact is painful.

Hanging out with people and eating chips with them doesn't make them friends. Being seen together always doesn't make them friends either. Friends are people who you enjoy talking to. Friends are people who you want to help out. I'm sounding so uncharacteristically philosophical and it sounds very boring. Well, I'm talking more to myself than to any of you here (Go and call me mad) In that case, I'm left with a very few friends. At least I'm lucky to have them as friends. Natural introverts like me badly need friends. I'm sure there are other introverts out there.

Some people have no friends left at all. Either Backstabbers. Or they are completely left out. Friends are needed for sanity. And I pity people who have none.
There you go. I bored the life out of you with a philosophical and seemingly emotional blog post.
Keep in touch anyway ;) Good day.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Story Of A Cell Phone

Place: Sardar Patel Road.
Time: 7 pm.
Event: Disaster

What should have been a casual walk to the store and back turned into a nightmare which would haunt me for years to come. Here is the scenario. Traffic Signal. Fat Policemen. Overcast skies. Mushy earth. Stagnated Water. Mosquitoes. My task was to get Thaayar Dosa Maavu and I had a couple of library
books to return. I cross the road. I check my pocket for the cell phone. It is there. I go past a hotel, past the juice shop , reach the place, jump over the chains put up there and go underground. That's where the library is. I returned the books and couldn't resist getting some more. I pay. I check my pocket for the cell phone. It is there. I go up. The thunderclouds had opened up. It is raining. Heavily. I check my pocket for the cell phone. It is there. I jump over the chains again and use the books to cover me. I look at the sky. It shows no signs of stopping. My impatience tells me to run. I check my pocket for the cell phone. It is there. I step into the rain. I start running. I jump over the black liquefied earth. I stop after few yards. I check my pocket for the cell phone. It is not there.

My heart stops. This is where everything starts to move in painfully slow motion. I am not yet hit by the impact that my phone is missing. This usually happens and I find it deep inside my pocket. I search. And search. It is not there. I look back. I run back to the place I knew I had it. It was just a few yards. It is not there. I rush back and forth, the library books hardly clinging onto my hand. I go frantic. I ask a complete stranger for his cell to call mine. I call my mobile. It rings. Someone picks up. And then it gets cut. Just like that. That is when, deep inside me I knew it was gone. Some filthy thief had pocketed it. I ring again. I run the with the phone listening for my ringtone. The guy who lent me the phone starts running after me thinking I am escaping with his phone. I am literally shaking with fear and terror. I give the phone back to him. Half of me kept saying that this is a dream, the other half said that the phone was gone. A tiny bit in me believed that was there, somewhere lying to be retrieved. I go asking random people if they had seen my cell phone though I knew there is no point. I ask the vegetable guy, the flower woman, the clothes shop guy, a random walker, the library guy, some workers digging there and then back to the vegetable guy and so on for like half an hour. I ask random guys' cell phones and call my phone. Few minutes later, "The Vodafone Number you are trying to reach is currently switched off". Game Over. The thief, whoever it was, had tossed the sim into the drainage. I look up in defeat. It stopped raining. I go to the store I was supposed to go. I use the phone there to call my phone one last time. I swear at the recorded message. My full self then realizes it was gone. It was no Blackberry or iPhone but yet, it had unique memories. I call home. I tell them. I get the Thaayar Maavu. I recover the sim card from Vodafone store. I walk home. Sad, sad story. The library books had gotten considerably wet.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

IIT-Indian Institute for Tension

IIT. The ultimate fascination and sight of many parents. (Note the word 'parents' not 'students') Of course, any kid not afflicted with this IIT business might also get awed by this huge institution and the benefits it offers. In this modern age, to any above average ninth grader, it has become mandatory that he or she should be subjected to torture by forcing him into this IIT business.
Now moving on to the minimum system requirements to get into IIT.

1. Hard Work. Slog twenty five hours a day or die trying.
2. Brain, Sense and Logic. Nah, this is not the kind of logic used in chess and solitaire. Its Nerdy logic
3. Don't fall sick on the day of the exam.

So, that's it. Simple as that. Once you enter into this IIT business you're doomed. Period. Unless you are a professional nerd with a little something called sense.
Slog the last four years of school. Do whatever it takes. Go to IIT classes miles away from home. Go suffocate there but still learn. Bunk School. And sit home and study for IIT. Crazy. A certain IIT coaching sir also said that, in the facility and quality of knowledge he offers we might even get time to play for five minutes. What the world has become.
In case you're wondering about the little image. It is what people may call one of the 'Basics' for IIT. And how did I get this? How else? Google Images. :P
Unfortunately, I also happen to be one such kids involved in this mishap.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Guitar Going Crazy...

The six stringed instrument has become my sole companion at home these days. Random strumming always helps in wiping the mind clean. Though, strumming without any sense of music is awfully unpleasant. However cool it seems, this is one instrument tough to master. So it is much more easier and fun to pretend to strum the thing while a cool guitar solo runs in the background. Sounds Mister Bean-ish. :P Sounds Lame. :P I can play like three songs properly. ('Properly' implies you can make out that it belongs to that song. :P ) I still cant get the Barre Chord right. Ugh. I ENVY my guitar sir. HOW does he play like that? Uh. yeah of course he plays like that, he is a sir after all. :| So coming back to topic, all i can play is three measly songs. I'm impatient of course. I cant expect to play like maestros in six months. But, is hard work the solution to everything? Isn't there ever a way to bypass hard work? Now why am I ranting about hardwork over here? That'll make another new topic :)
PICKING! :) I can actually pick In The End and Somewhere I Belong intro. Amazing huh? Not really. It's damn easy. :P I don't even go close to the chorus chords of those songs. And then there is Smoke on the Water . Addicting intro chords. I can play them too. Very, very crudely. though. It would still make little sense. Guitar as a career, while it sounds cool, is virtually impossible. Pity. :| Forming an Epic Linkin Park-ish (Yes folks i'm linkin park fanatic and i keep mentioning them) band would be amazing. The Dreams always live on. Reality never keeps up with them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Fascination In The New Generation: DESKBALL!

You can call it innovation. You can call it sheer boredom. What actually caused the people of class ten to create this new mind boggling game involving the teacher's desk and a tennis ball (smiley balls are allowed too, but just for the practice matches :) ) is a mystery. What is this game all about? It's very simple. Ideally, two people play, each on either side of the table. You have to bounce the ball on the desk and get it to the other side and in such a way that the person would find it hard to catch it. If he drops it you win a point. If he catches it, he does the same thing. A little too simple? Well, people..... this has a million rules, tournaments, surfaces and boundaries and money can be involved. So bear with me till I explain them all. :)
Each class has its own rules. Your team plays in class. They go by your rules. *Yawn* Well, contact the people in charge for more rules :P For now, I'm just publicizing the game. :)
PS. The Game is illegal. Getting caught involves dire consequences.